The Inspiring Educators Podcast is a space where EDUCATORS can let go, learn, laugh... and be inspired.
Developed by:
Dr. Kristopher Childs (@drkchilds)
Laila Nur (@mslailanur)
Jadrien Grimes (@JadrienGrimes)
Season 1
Why Teachers Quit?
July 31, 2019
A recent Gallup poll shows that almost half of the teachers in the U.S. say they are actively looking for a different job now or watching for opportunities. That’s not only heartbreaking for the professionals involved, it’s bad news for the stability of the industry. High teacher turnover impacts student performance and costs U.S. schools $7.3 billion in losses every year. On this episode we discussion the issues that are driving so many educators away?
Educator Summer Break Tips
July 17, 2019
The students are now gone. Here’s how to make the most of Summer Break.
So You Want to Teach?
June 26, 2019
Are you thinking about becoming a teacher? On this episode we discuss getting your first job in education or changing jobs in education.
Happy Educators Practice Self-Care
June 20, 2019
Put simply, being a teacher is stressful. From managing students’ emotional and academic success, to creating lesson plans and grading papers, teachers have an immense weekly workload to handle. And with so many duties and so many students to care for, teachers often neglect their own self-care and wellness. Let’s discuss some self-care techniques…
A Solution to the Summer Slide
June 13, 2019
Finally! It’s summer—that long-awaited time to enjoy some extra rest and recreation. But did you know too much kicking back can be harmful to your student’s learning? Studies show that students can lose up to two months of math and literacy skills over the summer. Although summer learning loss—also known as the summer slide—is a real problem, it doesn’t have to slow down your child at the start of a new school year. Let’s discuss some solutions. Intro/Outro Music by Arianna Jonae - Drank It Up
Addressing Self-Doubt
May 20, 2019
Teaching is a demanding and highly complex activity that sometimes leaves us feeling inadequate and filled with self-doubt. We will work to understand what it takes to strengthen and sustain ourselves as educators by answering one question: How do we recognize our own greatness?
The Achievement Gap Hasn’t Budged in 50 Years. Now What?
May 10, 2019
New evidence shows the massive gap in test scores between students from the wealthiest and poorest families hasn’t budged in fifty years. It’s time to stop attacking the problem with reform strategies that haven’t worked.
Why Do White School Districts Have So Much More Money?
May 1, 2019
According to nonprofit EdBuild, Nonwhite school districts get $23 Billion less than white districts despite serving the same number of students.
Do Schools Need Recess?
April 22, 2019
Recent U.S. education reform has focused on defining and raising the subject-matter standards students are expected to meet. In order to get their students up to snuff, schools are extending the school day and putting more and more emphasis on academic learning, which can squeeze out a beloved part of the traditional school day–recess.
What is the Purpose of Education?
March 2, 2019
If you were to ask even a relatively small group of teachers, administrators, students, parents, community members, business leaders, and policymakers to address the question of purpose, how difficult do you think it would be to reach a consensus?
We Need the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics
February 22, 2019
The Common Core concentrates on a clear set of math skills and concepts. Students will learn concepts in a more organized way both during the school year and across grades. The standards encourage students to solve real-world problems.
Keeping Class Interesting
February 15, 2019
Talk less and involve with students more. The more you make your class interactive and the more that you utilize technology, the more your students will enjoy what they are learning. How do you keep your class interesting?
Things Students Have Actually Said
January 31, 2019
If you’re a teacher, then these phrases will definitely sound familiar. Let’s discuss some of the most common questions, statements, and excuses that teachers hear on a daily basis.
Why Teach
January 23, 2019
For those considering a career in teaching, there are a number of potential motivators. Teaching can be a challenging profession, but there are numerous benefits to this career. Some feel a calling to impact the lives of students, while others are drawn to teaching for the ability to make a difference in the education system at large. So why teach?
Poor Community, Poor Schools
December 27, 2018
Most people believe that students do better in well-funded schools and that public education should provide a level playing field for all children. Nearly half of the funding for public schools in the United States, however, is provided through local taxes, generating large differences in funding between wealthy and impoverished communities (National Center for Education Statistics, 2000a). Efforts to reduce these disparities have provoked controversy and resistance.
Happy Hour for Teachers (Fun Outside of Work)
December 19, 2018
Educator’s need to have fun. On this week’s episode we focus on teachers having fun outside of work.
The Culture of Overtesting Students
December 12, 2018
Due to the recognition that standardized tests can play a unique role in understanding student learning outcomes, schools have introduced more such tests in recent years. Although the goal of these additional assessments is to help students, it has sometimes had the unintended outcome of creating student fatigue, practice effects, and false positives in test results. Although some tests will always be needed in schools, too many tests can create problems.
Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together At Lunch?
November 21, 2018
Walk into any racially mixed high school and you will see Black, White, and Latino youth clustered in their own groups. Is this self-segregation a problem to address or a coping strategy?
Students Disrespecting Educators
November 13, 2018
If you are tired of dealing with negative student behaviors day in and day out, you are not alone—in fact, you are firmly in the center of the average educator’s experience. Still, managing difficult student behaviors eventually sucks the energy from most educators, no matter how talented or experienced.
Dating An Educator
November 7, 2018
Suffice to say that you’re lucky if you score a date with a single educator. There are so many good qualities that an educator has that will shine through if you make it far enough to start actually dating. Congratulations, because in many ways, you’ve hit the relationship jackpot.
Arming Teachers
October 30, 2018
Coordinated research and practice efforts that effectively address and prevent violence among youths and in school spaces are urgently needed. Keeping schools safe must be a national educational and public health priority.
Keeping School Safe
October 23, 2018
Enhanced security has become the new reality for schools. The challenge facing K-12 schools is how to keep students safe while maintaining an open and inviting educational environment in which students can learn and, at times, just enjoy being kids.
Humor in Education
October 15, 2018
Humor activates the brain's dopamine reward system, stimulating goal-oriented motivation and long-term memory, which means that humor can improve retention in students of all ages. The contagious nature of humor naturally builds a sense of community by lowering defenses and bringing individuals together.
The Importance of Parental Involvement
October 10, 2018
Parental involvement is measured by attendance at a general meeting, a parent-teacher conference, or a school or class event; or by volunteering or serving on a committee at the school. On this episode we discuss the benefits of parental involvement.
Educators Need to Spend More Time Supporting Each Other
October 2, 2018
Being an educator can be an isolating job. It’s often a career where teachers disappear into their own rooms and are given few opportunities to enjoy the bonding of collaboration that is a daily part of so many other careers. With this job, there also comes a great deal of scrutiny. Some days it feels like educators spending most of our time dealing with the latest educational acronym rather than improving lessons to better serve our students. But here’s the thing—we have to support one another.
Teacher-Student Relationships (Why Do Teachers Cross the Line?)
September 25, 2018
Reports of teachers accused of unlawful sexual relationships with their students continue to make headlines. Why does this continue to happen?
Dealing with Stress as Teacher
September 17, 2018
Everyone knows that teaching is one of the most demanding and stressful professions. Forty-six percent of teachers say they feel high daily stress. That's on par with nurses and physicians. On this episode we discuss why teachers are stressing and how to reduce teacher stress.
Are Teachers Underpaid?
September 10,2018
On this episode of the Inspiring Educators Podcast the topic of teacher pay is discussed. Do you feel teachers are underpaid?
The Value of a Teacher & Transforming Education
September 1, 2018
Teachers are extremely valuable. On this episode we discuss the value of a teacher. And why and how education should be transformed for the better.